
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bicyclist nearly got hit on Norbeck Road at dusk

Drivers:  beware of bicyclists!

On Friday night, September 9, 2011, my mother was driving home from class in the light rain and fog.  She had just turned onto Norbeck Road from Wintergate Crossing and was headed uphill in the direction of Layhill Road.  It was dark with no oncoming traffic to illuminate the street.  Foggy conditions made it impossible to see more than a few feet ahead.

Since there was no oncoming traffic, she turned on her brights and was stunned to see a bicyclist directly in front of her!  The bicyclist was riding without a helmet, headlights, or taillights.  He wore dark clothing and was completely invisible in the darkness.

Since Norbeck Road has no shoulders or bike paths, the bicyclist had no choice but to risk his life by riding in the road, directly in the path of my mother's car.  Grateful that there was no oncoming traffic, she swerved to avoid him.  But she was clearly shaken (but not stirred) by the close call.

This situation exemplifies the dangers that pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers face when traveling on Norbeck Road.  There is simply no room for error, especially during inclement weather and/or poor visibility conditions.

How much longer will it be before someone is injured or worse?

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